1.Table of Content
First of all you have to create a simple Table of content file (TOC) as a xml format.
This Table of content contains the title of each page, and the associated web page.
Here is a simple example of a toc.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<tocitem text="General">
<tocitem text="Introduction" target="general/introduction.html" home="true"/>
<tocitem text="License Agreement" target="general/license.html"/>
<tocitem text="Contacts" target="general/contacts.html"/>
<tocitem text="Features" target="general/features.html"/>
<tocitem text="How to Use??">
<tocitem text="Table of Content" target="howtouse/toc.html"/>
<tocitem text="Directory and web pages" target="howtouse/dirweb.html"/>
<tocitem text="Launch HelpGUI" target="howtouse/launch.html"/>
<tocitem text="Icons Themes" target="howtouse/icons.html"/>
2.Directory and web pages
Then you can edit all your web pages as the same schema on the XML file.
All the pages could have links to HTTP web pages or to another help page.
You have to put all your file on a simple directory.
The standard directory could be /docs/help/.
As standard, the /docs/help/ directory is includes on the jar file of the software.
3.Launch HelpGUI
For launching the helpGUI only use the following line
JFrame helpFrame = new net.sourceforge.helpgui.gui.MainFrame("/docs/help/","java");
"/docs/help/" is the directory where the files are located.
"java" is the icon theme (choose between bluecurve, crystal, eclipse, gtk, java, jfa, kde, nuvola, plastic, slick, windows.
4.Icons Themes
Help GUI includes 11 icons themes as:
| BlueCurve, from the Linux BlueCurve theme. |
| Crystal, from the KDE 3 theme. |
| Eclipse, from the Eclipse Project. |
| Gtk, from Gtk stock theme. |
| Java, from swing java look'n'feel. |
| Jfa, from jfa icon project by by Dean S. Jones (dean at gallant.com). |
| Kde, from Kde project. |
| Nuvola, from Icon King project. |
| Plastic, from JGoodies plastic Theme by Karsten Lentzsch (info at JGoodies.com). |
| Slick, from Kde Project. |
| Windowsfrom Microsoft Project. |